Anzac Biscuits

On Thursday morning I was so happy to look at my class timetable to see ANZAC cookies after lunch. It was after lunch and my teacher Mrs Agnew gave each of us an Anzac cookie and also a list to brainstorm on. On the list it said history, ingredients, looks like, smells like, feels like, and tastes like. We had to write about each of these things. What I did for history was that during WW1 in 1915 women would bake ANZAC biscuits for the men who were fighting a long way away from home. Next we looked at the ingredients which are Golden syrup, butter, coconut, and baking soda. We moved on to what it feels like, and I thought it felt like the craters on top of the moon and the bottom felt as smooth as a human skin. Finally it was time to taste it. I took one bite and my mouth was filled with so much joy. I was surprised at how good it tasted – it was so crunchy, hard as if you were biting on to a big, brown, hard Crunchie bar. I was in heaven.


Our 175 Year Jubilee

On Friday morning on St Patrick’s Day I woke up with so much energy. Only because today was the beginning of our parish and school’s 175th Jubilee celebrations. I was so excited to celebrate these special events. 

Our school went to mass in the morning. I was called by Mrs George to serve for Friday mass. I got ready to serve on Friday. My job was to carry the candles and offer the bowl and towel to Father. I was kind of nervous. After mass Father asked 2 students to dig up the time capsule from 25 years ago. We saw a photo of our school from 25 years ago. Everyone saw their parents in the photo. The box was very heavy and dirty and it had been buried in the front of the church. We went back to school after digging up the time capsule. We got back to class and did anything we wanted to do before morning tea.

Out of nowhere the bell rang for morning tea. We all went outside to eat morning tea. After morning tea the entire school sat under the canopy to play sports for St Patrick’s day. All the teachers prepared for our St Patricks day activities. All the teachers were at each activity. I was in Daniel and Feao’s group. We went down to Mr Bell’s activity first down at the bottom court.

Eventually we finished all the activities. It was a long day and we were all tired so as a reward for doing our best we got ICE BLOCKS. Mine was so cold and delicious

On the second day of our 175 jubilee which was on Saturday, 

I went to mass at 7 am. I went to the back of the church to change into my altar serving gown. I was kind of worried because none of the other altar servers had arrived. But 3 minutes before we had to go in, the other altar servers arrived. After mass we went back down to the school and I saw Angelina, Jazzmin, Grace and Francheska. All the teachers came too. We ran in a three legged race, soccer, played Freeze and then had a sausage sizzle and ice cream. There was face painting as well. I went home with a classmate’s mum.

I had a nap before I had to come back for the 5pm Mass. My job this time was to carry the candles. Afterwards we had to go and practise for our dance tomorrow.  Then there was a buffet dinner that was set up by all the people. We had peas, lamb, chicken, mashed potato and more. For dessert we had cheese cake, strawberry pavlova, flavoured ice cream. We all danced and had so much fun. There were even balloons that we popped that were filled with candies. The music was so loud, my ears nearly went deaf. Only at 2am did the night end and we went home.

The sun rose up so bright on Sunday. Today I was helping with the towel and bowl. It was amazing to see the Tongan community coming down the aisle carrying a little girl on top of the fata. They were dancing and singing. 

After Mass we all went to the hall. My school did and dance and also sang three songs for the parish. After that the Altar Servers danced to a song called Wayno Samoa Siva 2K22. At 2pm our Jubilee celebrations ended. I had so much fun this weekend.

Working With Shapes

Today Mrs Grant came in to my class again.

This time we learned about shapes and what to create with them. The first slide was about making shapes Mrs Grant told us if we press shift and make a shape  all the sides will be equal but if you don’t press shift it will not be equal we then moved on to creating stuff with shapes we all drew different objects. Here is my drawing of me.

Cybersmart shortcuts with Mrs Grant

This morning Mrs Grant came to our class to teach us about short cuts. We learned about different kinds of keyboard short cuts like control c to copy or control h for history. First we  opened our cyber smart page and opened google slides. The slides had all these questions asking what do you press to copy etc. I knew the long way but not the short way. I went to something on my Chromebook that said  ‘tip’ and it said that the short way to copy is control c.

There were some more questions to answer like a lot like ‘what’s the button to paste, zoom in and out, and more. Some of us struggled on with to do but in the end, we got the hang of it. Our lesson was about to finish so Mrs grant said to us make a blog about what we had done. I had the best time and we all had fun learning.

Talofa My Name is Pio

Talofa! My name is Pio, I go to Saint Patrick’s School. I am in year 6 and my teacher is Mr Bell. My favorite subject is Maths and Writing and I enjoy learning about Basic facts.  I am good at reading a lot of books,running fast,communicating my ideas,cricket,soccer,riding my scooter,math,literacy,graphs,shape,skipping,PE,kind,helpful,kicking soccer balls,sharing,RE,Good singer,swimmer,listening, and working..  My goal for this year is to get better in my time tables.. In my spare time I like to be with my family or if im at school i like to draw in my free time.