St Patrick’s Day

Last Friday Our school celebrated St Patrick’s Day. We all arrived  at school early because we had mass and we all had to have our best singing voices.


After Mass unfortunately we found out that we weren’t doing our St Patrick’s games today but luckily we still got to because it was postponed to Monday due to the wet rain. Instead we did some fun St Patricks Day Activities on our Chromebooks.


We all went home and enjoyed our weekend.I went to Sunday and Saturday mass, Legion of Mary – Curia and had some dinner and had a good sleep before the big day on Monday.


We all came to school on Monday with big smiles on our faces and with our P.E gear. We came to class when the bell rang and started walking to the canopy where room 6 was doing assembly. We sang the national anthem of New Zealand and said prayers before students started receiving certificates. We went back to class and started doing maths on our prime maths books.


The morning tea bell rang and we all started to make our way outside to our bags to grab our morning tea and P.E gear for St Patrick’s Day. When the second bell rang we all gathered under the canopy where Mrs Bullot split the whole school in 10 groups for 5 activities 1 vs 1 in each activity. 


My group first went to Sr Evalesi’s Game which was to jump inside the sash, go to the cone and come back holding a spoon with a plum on top.


We headed our way to the canopy where Mrs Agnew was having her game. She was bowling. It was pretty hard because when we were throwing we could not bend our arm.


Now we were going to the top court with Mr Bell where he was hosting scatter ball. Mr Bell’s game was very fun. We had 3 balls we could throw them anywhere and we would have to run to the other side while the fielders had to get 3 of the balls. One person holds it up and says stop out loud.


After every single game we had Popsicle announce the winners. My team came 4th and we all had lunch. For the rest of the afternoon we watched an anime called Spirited Away and went home and relaxed.


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