Category: Ako | Learn

Water Cycle

For Science Room 7 has been learning about the water cycle and the 4 steps of the water cycle that are evaporation of water, then condensation, precipitation and collection. We =have learned a lot about the water cycle and wanted to make our own. We got into groups of three and got a plastic bag and permanent sharpie. after that we drew mountains and the waves of the sea with the sun and cloud. After that we put water and blue die together since Mr Bell could not find any food coloring and he mixed. Then we put the water in the plastic bags with not much water and we stuck it on the window to see if it would evaporate. here is what I looks like today. In The bag you can see the water vapor inside.



































My Creative Writing

Our teacher Mr Bell put a picture up on the screen so we could do creative writing where we look at the picture and write a story about what we think is happening in the picture. We learned to use our imagination and learned to be able to write a story with just looking at the picture

My story was about an Magical Forest Near A village that no one knew existed.

Here are the pictures that our teacher showed us

Rippa Tournament

Last Wednesday Our years 8,7,6, And 5 got the chance to participate in the Rippa tournament that was being held at Dunkirk park. We all had to come to school in our P.E gear since we were going to be there for the whole day. 


When I got to school the only thing on my mind was joyfulness and excitement to play in the Rippa tournament. We all had a little time to play before we had to all sit under the canopy in our teams and do roll call. Everyone was here to participate in the tournament.


We started walking down the gate and on our way to Dunkirk.


When we made it to Dunkirk we only saw 2 other schools that were practicing. Once we came, all of the other schools started coming. There were so many schools there.


We put our bags down and got our ball and

Started to practice like the other schools were and just played tag.

When the Rippa tournament started we went to watch other schools play so we could learn and use their strategies to help us too.


The first game we played was at 10:20am against Panmure District.

We were so excited we were bossing each other around since we were so desperate to win but unfortunately we lost. But we all realised that we weren’t working together and using the strategies Mr Bell told us and said to each other “We can do it”. After our game we went to watch the game that our friends were playing. They were playing against panama road


At 11:00am we had a game against Sylvia park. I was sub, with my friend Patrick.

After half time me and Patrick subbed on so we could have a turn.

We had a lot of energy so we ran as fast as we could but not that fast because it would drain out our energy. This game we won, we were all so happy and  filled with excitement that we won our first game. Before we left we paid respects to the team and left. 


After our game we went to watch other games that our school was playing in. It was almost lunch time so some of my friends and i  went to eat our lunch


At 12:40pm we were playing against Panama. Rd We walked all the way to field 8 and met Panama Rd there. Cosma and I were subs. After half time we subbed on. We were on roll. We all ripped tag by tag, scored a try and another try we were fast like a cheater.


After the game we were so happy again and filled with joy because we won our second game. We paid respects to Panama Rd and moved on.

We all had a break

From the hard and fast running we were all doing. 

We all went to the mat to get a drink of water and build up our energy.


We were all so tired that we felt that we couldn’t play our last game but we pushed through it.


At 1:40pm we had a game which was our last game. We play against Glen Brae School. We were losing at first but started picking up the paste and we won.


We were so happy that we won 3 games. We paid respect to Glen Brae school and went to our mat to pack up everything. Before we left we took a photo. Then I went home. When I got home I changed and went straight because I was very tired and exhausted. It was a fun day and I really enjoyed it.

Road To Paris

Last term of the second week we started our road to Paris for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

We had to run around the court and do laps while we also count how many meters we did for that day then enter it in the Paris 2024 site so we can reach Paris. We were also ding it with room 6 the class next to us.

I did a lot of laps at the start but then I go tired because we did it everyday and my max was 15 laps.

We finally made it to Paris and here is our certificate we are all so proud of ourselves and each other.\

Achieving My Goal

Yesterday I finally  achieved my goal of finishing my timetables and getting my diploma it feels great to have finished my diploma. I am very proud of myself and very thrilled that I have the best teacher to teach me my timetables. Now I know all my timetables and anytime anyone asks me a time table I can answer it with a click.

Here is my achievements I accomplished with my time tables

Road To Paris

This week my class and I have been learning about the road to Paris and the Olympic games. My class and I all went outside and ran laps around the top court. After running laps we counted them up to see the total of how much kilometers our class ran. This is a table of how much ch meters I ran everyday this week. Today had a slight change because I didn’t feel like running that much since I had a stitch. One of the hardest things running laps was running even through the pain in my stomach and foot but I feel really proud of myself for going through it all.

St Patrick’s Day

Last Friday Our school celebrated St Patrick’s Day. We all arrived  at school early because we had mass and we all had to have our best singing voices.


After Mass unfortunately we found out that we weren’t doing our St Patrick’s games today but luckily we still got to because it was postponed to Monday due to the wet rain. Instead we did some fun St Patricks Day Activities on our Chromebooks.


We all went home and enjoyed our weekend.I went to Sunday and Saturday mass, Legion of Mary – Curia and had some dinner and had a good sleep before the big day on Monday.


We all came to school on Monday with big smiles on our faces and with our P.E gear. We came to class when the bell rang and started walking to the canopy where room 6 was doing assembly. We sang the national anthem of New Zealand and said prayers before students started receiving certificates. We went back to class and started doing maths on our prime maths books.


The morning tea bell rang and we all started to make our way outside to our bags to grab our morning tea and P.E gear for St Patrick’s Day. When the second bell rang we all gathered under the canopy where Mrs Bullot split the whole school in 10 groups for 5 activities 1 vs 1 in each activity. 


My group first went to Sr Evalesi’s Game which was to jump inside the sash, go to the cone and come back holding a spoon with a plum on top.


We headed our way to the canopy where Mrs Agnew was having her game. She was bowling. It was pretty hard because when we were throwing we could not bend our arm.


Now we were going to the top court with Mr Bell where he was hosting scatter ball. Mr Bell’s game was very fun. We had 3 balls we could throw them anywhere and we would have to run to the other side while the fielders had to get 3 of the balls. One person holds it up and says stop out loud.


After every single game we had Popsicle announce the winners. My team came 4th and we all had lunch. For the rest of the afternoon we watched an anime called Spirited Away and went home and relaxed.


DLO About The Hauraki Gulf

This week we were all excited because our teacher surprised us with two word Virtual Reality also known as VR. We are lucky enough to have Alice From Blake VR NZ to come and teach us about if New Zealand’s Seas are healthy or unhealthy. We said our morning prayers then started walking up to the library to meet Alice from Blake NZ. We entered the library and saw so many Virtual reality headsets laying on the floor. After we all sat down Alice introduced herself to us and she told us why the company name was Blake and told us where it came from.


The name Blake came from a famous sailor Sir Peter Blake he won many sailing competitions and traveled around the entire world 3 times. One day he went to Antarctica with a few crew members when pirates showed up. Sir Peter Blake showed no mercy and stood up for his team but then got shot. The whole of New Zealand was devastated.

After his death that is when the company Blake was made and how they got their name. Here are my facts about the Hauraki Gulf