Day: March 8, 2023

Cybersmart shortcuts with Mrs Grant

This morning Mrs Grant came to our class to teach us about short cuts. We learned about different kinds of keyboard short cuts like control c to copy or control h for history. First we  opened our cyber smart page and opened google slides. The slides had all these questions asking what do you press to copy etc. I knew the long way but not the short way. I went to something on my Chromebook that said  ‘tip’ and it said that the short way to copy is control c.

There were some more questions to answer like a lot like ‘what’s the button to paste, zoom in and out, and more. Some of us struggled on with to do but in the end, we got the hang of it. Our lesson was about to finish so Mrs grant said to us make a blog about what we had done. I had the best time and we all had fun learning.